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Marshall Knight is an experienced writer, producer, and leader. His writing credits include the legal drama Suits (USA), the Otherworld Interactive VR series Sisters, and others, plus support staff experience on Homeland (Showtime), Unforgettable (CBS), Lone Star (Fox), and at Paramount Pictures.

His work blurs the lines and subverts the conventions of genre, ranging from hard sci-fi espionage thrillers to an allegorical ghost story set in the world of New York Big Law. His holistic approach to storytelling marries theme, character, and structure with intricate, research-heavy world-building, and naturalistic scenework.

No subject is too strange, but some throughlines of his work include: the effect of technology on our inner lives; how humanity endues inside alienating bureaucratic structures; addiction, ambition, and our hidden selves; everyday magic and the subtly surreal; and the bonds of family, blood or otherwise.

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